Okay, now this is just going to sound weird. But babies bed time is around 8pm every night.
It never fails, when I put her down after changed, bathed and fed she cries for 30-45 minutes EVERY FREAKIN NIGHT. I sit down here listening to her crying going;
I could:
a.) Pick her up and let her fuss down here (in the living room) cause she's so exhausted
b.) Pick her up, piss her off even more and then put her down
c.) Peek in on her, chance her "seeing" me, louder screaming ensues
d.) Let her cry and feel like a total jack ass
Now you're probably wondering why I'm posting this in my "food" blog. Well here's why... during this time I'm stressing out so bad I'm pacing around looking for something to calm me down. Usually that is food, but I do my best to stay out of the kitchen to avoid that. Say I make it and she finally FINALLY goes down, by the time I rush down stairs relieved that I can finally have some time for myself (more guilt ensues) I'm ready for some "celebration" AKA = FOOD.
Jeez I have to find something to turn "BED TIME" AKA "STRESS TIME" into anything but stress time.
Help, any ideas?