I have this trainer that I met online and she has been helping me with my diet.
I keep bucking against tracking calories, but if I must, I must. My newest goal at this point is carb cycling but really STICKING to my DIET! My macros are 1729, for off training days and 2100 for when I lift.
I finally talked my husband into letting me get some weights! I have a bench, weighted plates up to 20lbs, treadmill and some adjustable barbells. I am so freakin excited, I want to lose the weight and I want to feel great about myself! No more EXCUSES.
Lord I just thank you for empowering my to accomplish my goals.
It's not "all or nothing" because with that mantra in mind, I've failed miserably time and time again. If I fail, I will get back up and try again. I can do this. With you God I can do this.
Here's MariAnne's blog if your interested, her research is pretty interesting it's just taking the time to go through all of it that I have a hard time with. http://builtblog.wikibody.com
I met MariAnne, AKA = BUILT down in Canada in October and we were able to train together. Fun times I tell ya. Anyways...back to work. If you have time check out my other "home" http://www.beyondlowcarb.net/ I love going here, there is so much info and I have some great friends and resources here.
Oh yeah and here is my motivation picture! I can't believe someone so small can lift SO much.
Oh, and MariAnne, if your reading this I don't mean I think you're "small", but you know most people think if you're training with heavy weights that even women get HUGE. Common misconception of course. :)

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